Saturday, August 04, 2007

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
  • sex (2x)
  • breast (1x)

I don't think I wrote the word breast here before...
wonder how that pop up..

well anyway, i still gotta feel proud...
my blog ain't rated Restricted like others ---> Emily *click*
So I officially declare my blog to be SAFE =)


*censored for various reasons*
~guess the fella who did this was really bored??
So after posting this new rating...

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • sex (3x)
  • kill (2x)
  • dead (1x)

OKAY!! What happened to BREAST ?!?!?!?

Jian signing off...
~ the very "clean, holy, pure" blog LOL

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